Tattoo Removal
Columbus Ohio

Remove Unwanted Tattoos without Surgery

Remove Unwanted Tattoos without Surgery

Ready for a change? Say goodbye to unwanted tattoos with tattoo removal from Polaris Vein & Aesthetics. We use a laser to safely minimize the appearance of your tattoo, helping you feel confident in your skin without the need for surgery. Our team can remove tattoos of a variety of tattoo design, shapes, sizes, colors, and locations on the body without plastic surgery. Contact us today to book a consultation in Columbus, Ohio.

How does tattoo removal work?

How Does Tattoo Removal Work?

Laser tattoo removal uses advanced technology to gradually fade and eliminate unwanted tattoos. During the treatment, it removes tattoos by highly focused laser energy that targets the ink particles, breaking them down into smaller fragments. Over time, the natural processes of the body work to eliminate these fragmented particles, leading to a gradual lightening of the tattoo. The treatment is designed to prevent damage to the surrounding skin, making it a safe and effective option for getting rid of unwanted body art. Multiple sessions may be required, depending on factors such as tattoo size, color, and depth. With each session, the tattoo becomes progressively lighter until your desired results are achieved.

Benefits of Tattoo Removal

Experience the freedom of a fresh start with our tattoo removal services. Tattoo removal is an ideal option for a variety of personal, professional, and emotional reasons. Whether you’re looking to erase the remnants of a past chapter or make way for new artistic visions, having your tattoo removed with laser treatments is a great step towards being able to confidently show off your skin. Our advanced laser technology, highly trained staff, and personalized approach ensure a positive experience and the effective removal or reduction of your unwanted tattoos. Embrace the possibilities that lie ahead with the clean slate that laser tattoo removal can provide.

Our Tattoo Treatment Process

Our laser tattoo removal process starts with a free consultation. We’ll discuss your laser treatments goals and concerns as well as learn more about the tattoo you want to remove, including its size, color, and the area of the body it’s on. We’ll also go over what to expect and answer any questions you have.

Prior to your appointment, our staff will inform you how to best prepare for your session, such as keeping the tattoo clean and out of direct sunlight. During treatment, we use a laser to target the tattoo ink, which absorbs the laser energy and begins to break down. The length of your laser treatment depends on factors like the size and color of your tattoo. You will likely need multiple sessions to achieve the desired results for tattoo removal or reduction.

Before you leave our center, we’ll ensure you know how to properly care for your skin to reduce discomfort and achieve the best results. After the appropriate number of laser treatments sessions, you’ll be able to embrace the day without worrying about an unwanted tattoo.

Our Tattoo Treatment Process
About the Quanta Q-Plus Tattoo Removal Laser

About the Discovery PICO Tattoo Removal Laser

At Polaris Vein & Aesthetics, we’re dedicated to delivering the best results through our tattoo removal and reduction treatments. To accomplish this, we use the Quanta Discovery PICO laser. Our laser targets ink and pigment without harming the surrounding skin. Using OptiBeam technology, the Discovery PICO optimizes safety, efficacy, and healing time. It works for a wide variety of ink colors, including light blue, which is notoriously difficult to treat. The Discovery PICO laser can also target tattoos of various shapes and sizes, allowing us to customize your treatments to your specific needs.

How to prepare for treatment

How to Prepare for Treatment

Prior to your laser tattoo removal session, it’s important to prepare your skin for treatment. Avoid excessive sun exposure and protect your tattoo from direct sunlight. Skip the tanning bed as well. Keep the area of your body that’s being treated clean and free from lotions, oils, or makeup, and avoid products that might irritate your skin. Staying hydrated and maintaining a healthy lifestyle – including quitting or reducing smoking – can contribute to optimal skin health and support the effective removal or reduction of your tattoo. These are general tips, and we will provide more detailed instructions before your tattoo removal session.

What to expect during laser tattoo treatment

What to Expect During Laser Tattoo Treatment

During your laser tattoo removal session, we use a laser that specifically targets the tattoo’s ink. The laser energy causes the ink to break down into smaller particles, which the immune system in your body carries away. Over a series of sessions spaced several weeks apart, you’ll notice your tattoo begin to fade and then disappear.

At Polaris Vein & Aesthetics, we can remove unwanted body art in a variety of locations, including an arm, leg, chest, stomach, back, and other areas of the body. Discomfort during treatment is typically minimal, with the procedure feeling similar to having a rubber band snapped against your skin.

An individual tattoo removal session can take anywhere from a few minutes to about an hour, depending on how large and complex the tattoo is. We’ll provide you with more specific laser treatments expectations when we meet with you.

How many tattoo treatments do I need?

How many tattoo treatments do I need?

It typically takes about 3 to 8 treatments for laser tattoo removal to be successful. Each treatment typically takes place several weeks after the previous one, so it may take a few months to achieve the final results. The exact number of sessions you’ll need depends on factors like your skin type, the presence of scarring, the colors in your tattoo, where on the body your tattoo is located, the amount of ink in your skin, and more. Before you start receiving treatments, we’ll examine your tattoo and provide a more specific estimate on how long it will take to remove your tattoo and for you to see a reduction in its appearance.

Does tattoo removal hurt?

Does tattoo removal hurt?

At Polaris Vein & Aesthetics, we aim to keep you as comfortable as possible during any procedure. The sensation from the laser energy feels similar to a rubber band being snapped on your skin. Pain tolerance varies from person to person, and the location of the tattoo can impact how treatment will feel. However, clients typically find the end results to be well worth the temporary discomfort. You may even find the anticipation to be more intense than the treatment itself. To soothe your skin following treatment, apply ice packs or cool air to the treatment site.

Do laser tattoo treatments cause side effects?

Do laser tattoo treatments cause side effects?

Laser tattoo removal is generally safe, but it’s important to be aware of potential side effects and risks. After a session, you might experience temporary redness or swelling of the skin, or mild discomfort akin to a sunburn. Your skin may also peel, but this typically heals within a few days. Side effects are typically temporary and manageable. It’s crucial to follow aftercare instructions diligently to minimize these effects. Our expert laser treatments staff is here to guide you, ensuring your comfort and safety throughout the process.

Will my tattoo still be visible?

Will my tattoo still be visible?

Our goal is always to remove your tattoo as much as possible and achieve a remarkable transformation. The exact results from laser tattoo removal depend on a variety of factors, such as tattoo size, color, depth, location on the body, and how your skin responds to treatment. In most instances, significant lightening is achieved during the removal process, making the tattoo far less visible. To learn more about what to expect from tattoo removal, book a consultation with our team. You can trust in our expertise to guide you toward the best possible result for your individual circumstances.

Skin Care Tips

Skin Care Tips

Taking care of your skin after each session helps you get the best results from tattoo removal. Keep the treated skin clean by washing it twice a day using mild soap and lukewarm water. Gently pat the spot dry with a clean, soft towel, and avoid rubbing the skin. Applying a thin layer of antibiotic ointment or petroleum jelly and covering it with a clean bandage can help protect the skin as it heals.

Wearing protective clothing and sunscreen when outside helps protect the treated skin from sun damage. Refrain from picking at any scabs or blisters, as this can lead to complications, and stay hydrated to support overall skin health.

Why Choose Our Columbus Team

Why Choose Our Columbus Team

Polaris Vein & Aesthetics is dedicated to minimizing the appearance of tattoos to help you feel confident in your skin. Our team is experienced in tattoo removal as well as vein treatments, Botox, skin rejuvenation, and more, and we’re passionate about helping you look and feel great. Leading our team is Dr. Amanda S. Cooper, a board-certified Vascular and interventional Radiologist. Dr. Cooper and the team provide high-quality treatments with a patient-first focus, so you can expect a positive experience and exceptional results.

Book a Consultation for Laser Tattoo Treatment

Ready to remove your unwanted tattoos or get a removal cost? Book your free 15-minute consultation and removal discovery. Call us at (614) 488-5090 or fill out our online contact form.

Schedule Your Free Consultation