Spider Vein Treatment
Columbus Ohio

High-Quality Treatments for Spider Vein Issues

High-Quality Treatments for Spider Vein Issues

Spider veins are a common nuisance that can negatively impact your confidence when showing your skin. Fortunately, there are treatment options available. At Polaris Vein Center in Columbus, OH, we offer multiple procedures to effectively reduce the appearance of spider veins so you can look and feel your best. These services are not surgery; they’re minimally invasive treatments that cause minimal discomfort and don’t require down time, making them a convenient way to improve the appearance of your skin and boost your confidence. Our team of experts will examine your veins and determine which vein treatment is right for you. Contact us today to learn more and book a free consultation.

What are Spider Veins?

What are Spider Veins?

Spider veins are damaged blood vessels that have a twisted appearance resembling a spider’s web. They are blue, purple, or red in color and can be easily seen just under the surface of the skin. They most commonly occur on the lower legs, ankles, feet, and face and are caused by faulty valves and weak walls of blood vessels, especially the smallest of the body’s blood vessels, called capillaries.

Are Spider Veins Bad for Your Health?

Spider veins are not dangerous and don’t typically cause discomfort or other symptoms. However, they may be a sign of poor circulation. Varicose veins, which are larger and have a bulging appearance, are more concerning. Both types develop when valves stop working properly, causing blood to pool and stretch out the veins. Varicose veins can cause discomfort, blood clots, ulcers, bleeding, and other issues if left untreated, so it’s important to have them checked out. Spider veins, on the other hand, do not usually cause other issues and are removed as a cosmetic procedure rather than one that’s medically necessary. Our specialists can treat both types of veins to improve the look of your skin and support your vascular health.

Common Causes of Spider Veins

In healthy veins, one-way valves push blood upwards as it flows back to the heart. When valves become weak, some blood flows downward and pools. This creates pressure that causes vein walls to weaken, bulge and twist. Spider veins can occur when people spend lots of time sitting or standing. They often form in the feet, ankles, and lower legs, as valves there must work the hardest due to gravity. They also commonly also form at the face. Aging, hormonal changes, sunlight, weight fluctuation, and injuries can all contribute to spider veins. People who are pregnant or have a family history of spider veins are at increased risk for developing them, and women are more likely to get them than men.

Professional Spider Veins Treatment Options

Professional Spider Veins Treatment Options

If you’re tired of living with spider veins and want to feel more comfortable in your own skin, visit us for spider vein removal. Our treatments include sclerotherapy and laser, two minimally invasive treatments. Our services don’t require surgery, so you can expect little to no pain, quick recoveries, and no down time after your appointment. Sclerotherapy does require stocking wear.

During your free consultation, our team will explain our spider veins treatment options and determine which is best for you. These treatments are also effective for varicose vein issues. Before treatment, we’ll tell you how to prepare for your appointment, what to expect during treatment, how to care for your skin during the recovery process, and when you can expect to see results.

Sclerotherapy Treatment

Sclerotherapy Treatment

Sclerotherapy is a procedure that reduces the appearance of spider veins by collapsing them. A small needle is used to inject a chemical solution into the damaged vein, which irritates it and causes it to scar and collapse. Blood then flows through healthy veins instead, and the body reabsorbs the collapsed ones over time. They typically fade away after a few weeks.

This treatment is not surgery, but rather a minimally invasive procedure that is virtually pain free thanks to the small size of the needle used. You’ll be able to return to most daily activities right after your treatment, though you will be required to wear compression stockings. You may also need to temporarily refrain from strenuous exercise following treatment. This treatment is a convenient and effective way to reduce the appearance of spider veins and improve the appearance of your skin.

Vascular Laser Treatment

Vascular Laser Treatment

Vascular laser is a treatment that reduces the appearance of spider veins by using laser energy to close them. A handpiece is used to send laser energy of the appropriate wavelength into the veins, where heat affects the vein’s walls and causes them to scar and close. The body then sends blood through healthy veins and eventually reabsorbs the collapsed ones. Results typically take at least a week or so to be noticeable.

Like sclerotherapy, laser therapy is not surgery. It is minimally invasive and typically involves only mild discomfort. People who receive this treatment can go back to work immediately although compression stockings are required to be worn for 3 days. Patients will also be asked to avoid vigorous exercise for 3 days following the procedure. Vascular laser is an effective way to treat unwanted spider veins and improve the look of your skin.

Who is a Good Candidate for Spider Vein Treatment?

Who is a Good Candidate for Spider Vein Treatment?

During your free consultation, we’ll determine if you’re a good candidate for our vein therapy and removal treatment options. If you are healthy overall and have healthy veins that blood can reroute through after your treatment, you are likely a good candidate. Individuals who are pregnant or breastfeeding will not be eligible for sclerotherapy. Eligibility is decided on a case-by-case basis for people who have previously had a blood clot.

When you’re considering treatment, it’s also important to remember that you will need to follow recommendations like wearing compression stockings and other care practices to ensure the best results and proper healing. Good candidates are people who are willing to follow our post-procedure recommendations as well as those who meet medical requirements.

Why Choose Polaris Vein Center and Doctor Cooper for Veins Treatment

Why Choose Polaris Vein Center and Doctor Cooper for Veins Treatment

Polaris Vein Center is here to help you achieve healthy veins and gorgeous skin you feel confident in. We have years of experience helping people in the Central OH area look and feel their best through spider vein treatment services plus dermatology services like laser hair removal, Botox, dermal fillers, and more – no surgery necessary.

Dr. Amanda Cooper is a board-certified Vascular and Interventional Radiologist. She completed her residency at Dartmouth and fellowship at Harvard. Dr. Cooper takes a patient-centered approach to care and strives to make each patient feel comfortable throughout their time at our clinic. We achieve stunning results through effective procedures, modern equipment, and expertise in vascular and cosmetic services. We look forward to helping you become your most beautiful, confident self.

Book Your Free Veins Consultation

Ready to feel comfortable in your own skin? Contact us today at (614) 488-5090 to book your free 15-minute consultation. We’ll discuss your concerns, explain our different services, and determine which option is best for you based on your needs and goals.

Schedule Your Free Consultation